Press Contacts

LA GACILLY PHOTO FESTIVAL                                                           

Mélina Le Blaye                                                                                                

Public relations and press relations 

+33 (0)6 23 66 04 75                                                              



Martial Hobeniche 

National and international press relations

+ 33 (0)1 42 33 93 18



In order to receive our press releases, sign up bellow with your:

Surname, Name, Contact information, Organisation, Job

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Press releases

Royalty-free photographs

To use royalty-free photographs from the Festival programme, please contact our press agency, 2e BUREAU

Martial Hobeniche

Tél. : +33(0)1 42 33 93 18 / /  @2ebureau


To illustrate your articles and news reports, you can consult and download images from our photo library; taken by Jean-Michel NIRON, volunteer photographer for the association. Please mention the photo credit ©Jean-Michel Niron.

For more photos, please contact our head of public and press relations, Mélina Le Blaye melina.le-blaye@festivalphoto-lagacilly

Press kit

Press kit 21st edition • Australia & Beyond

Download press kit

Australia & Beyond Poster

Created by the Atelier Michel Bouvet   

Download our Natural Heritage poster


Photo gallery