© Eric Frotier de Bagneux, Beg-er-Vil School, Quiberon, Morbihan School Photo Festival 2023
Éric Frotier de Bagneux - Quiberon
Éric Frotier de Bagneux grew up and discovered photography in the smells of developer and fixer. At twenty, attracted by the sea, he travels as a pleasure sailor between Monaco and Shangai where he settles in 2006 as a professional photographer. After having criss-crossed Asia, he returned to France.

Collège Sainte-Anne de La Gacilly
Between myth and reality
Viviane and Merlin are our guides for the mythical trip trough Broceliande Forest. Rediscover with them the symbolic places we have inherited, from the Val sans Retour totricentennian oaks and also mysterious springs.
The trunks which have been burnt to ashes show us how fragile this environnement can be.
Let's hope that, as the phenix, the forest will always be able to come back to life. It's our duty to hand over this nature to the future generactions so we have to protect it.

Collège Beg-er-Vil de Quiberon
Since the first classes, fascinating ideas had come out and very quickly a common idea emerged. Indeed we decided together to make pictures of pen hands and outstretched hands, symbolizing the notion of legacy. The hands were correlated with an object that represents the idea of Nature.
This project tells the story of transmission and also highlights the handover from the older generation to the younger. This ideo is conveyed by the intertwinning of young hands andold hands, worn out by life and time that goes by.