photo collège 56

Projet EAC avec le lycée des métiers Marie Le Franc de Lorient et la photographe Ingrid Farias

La Gacilly Photo Festival commits in artistic and cultural education projects. These projects allow encounter during a scholar year between the association, a photographer and a school around a collective artistic project. 

During the 2020-2021 school year, La Gacilly Photo La Gacilly associated with the Marie Le Franc High School, Lorient. The project "On the trail of the feathered serpent in Latin America" associated collectively 60 11th grade students and the French Chilean artist Ingrid Farias in a research and artistic creation process around photography and discovering of the Latin American cultures. 

Simultaneously were photographic creations workshops lead by the artist and their Spanish teacher Mrs Marie Cabot: a residency time which allows Ingrid Farias to develop a personnal work around portrait.

Discover the students' creations

Project realized thanks to the support of the DRAC Bretagne and the Région Bretagne (dispositif Karta)